Welina mai me ke aloha,
He poke wikiō kūikawā kēia o #nāhaliʻaaloha ma lalo o #puanapōʻakolu, e hoʻomanaʻo ai iā ʻAnakala Joe Recca. He papahana kēia e hoʻoheno ʻia ana “Nā Haliʻa Aloha” o nā momi makamae kau i ka hano.
“We are encouraged to be ever persistent in learning while our mentors are still living, ʻOiai e nana mai ana no na maka’ (While the eyes still look around) and to be thoughtful of them treating them with kindness (Pukui, 1983, Unpublished Dissertation, Lopes, 2010).”